The Quirksters are sweet and Dark at the Same time...

The Quirksters Line is a collection of collectible dolls and artwork that combine whimsy with interesting situations and quirky muses.  All characters and artwork have a message and hidden truths about being human.  The paintings and dolls are a celebration of our imperfect condition and being seen and cared for despite all of our pointy edges.

Artwork becomes 3D

The Gemme Monster and Anxiety Annie started out as paintings, but were begging for bodies so they could come out and really experience the world.  They have successfully metamorphosed into collectible dolls and are looking for their future adventure.    

Anxiety Annie

We live in the age of anxiety, and Annie knows it.  Instead of running from her worries, Annie is willing to admit it's a problem, and she's wants to let people know it's ok.  With her fabulous question mark hair, scary news media outfit, and thermometer at the ready for those questionable aches, she's an unlikely superhero for the disenfranchised.  Meditation lessons not included.  

Gemme Monster

"I want, I want!  Gemme gemme!"  Gemme struggles with yearning and wanting.  It's an itch that can't be scratched, and because of the gremlin cuteness, it goes unchecked.  Gemme is a bit of a despot around the house, but is gradually becoming aware that it's an issue, and since Gemme is a very sweet doll, our monster is working on it.